3 Reasons To Free Yourself From The Burden Of Pleasing Others

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3 Reasons To Free Yourself From The Burden Of Pleasing Others

Brought to you by Century 21 Gold, The Smits Team


“If you are busy pleasing everyone, you are not being true to yourself” ― Jocelyn Murray

Pleasing others can become an addiction. The truth is that there is always going to be some part inside of us that seeks to please others, and many of us will naturally follow this tendency unless we intentionally do otherwise. 

I once had an acquaintance who really hated her job. She wanted more than anything to quit and to stay at home with her little girl. But when asked why she didn’t, she said that hers was not the only opinion to take into account. 

“Other people have different ideas about what I should do,” she said angrily. “I can’t quit.”

I asked her why it mattered to her what other people’s ideas were. She grumbled this in response. 

“Well, when it’s family and you have to be around them all the time, you figure out that you need to please them or you won’t hear the end of it.” 

This girl was working long hours at a job she hated because she felt like her family wouldn’t like it if she quit. Her husband made plenty of money, she had no career interest in this job, and worst of all—she was missing out on what really mattered to her the most; spending time with her little girl. 

And for what? 

Because she couldn’t wrap her mind around getting over the fear of how others would judge her decision. 

Let’s be honest—following good advice is one thing, but living in fear of judgment and making choices that are not truly choices that you want to make is going to waste time and waste life. 

Here are 3 good reasons not to allow yourself to fall into this mentality. 

1… Because Life Is Far Too Short To Spend Worrying About What Other People Think

Why would you forsake your happiness to meet other people’s standards when you don’t even agree with what their standards are?

2… Because Most People Judge Everyone, Regardless Of How Good Their Choices Are

I almost hate to say it, but most people are going to judge you and say negative things about you regardless of what you choose. If you are rich, you will be a rich snob. If you are poor, you will be ‘trash’. If you try to have good morals, you will be ‘stuck up’. Don’t let other people dictate who you are just because of the fact that they might judge you for it, because odds are good that they are going to do it regardless of what you do. 

3… Because Being Yourself Will Make You The Happiest

There is really no substitute for being yourself. It might not be easy to stop listening to naysayers, but the rewards in the end are more than worth the effort. 

About The Smits Team

"Every morning I’m reminded of how incredible this place is, and nothing makes me happier than to help my clients make the most of their real estate opportunities here.” Amy Smits understands the value of living in a place with wide-open spaces and limitless opportunity. And as a real estate professional serving the Eagle County Colorado area, her passion for sharing everything this place has to offer is what drives her to help her clients succeed. Whether you’re looking for a home for your family, an investment property, or you want to sell your current home, look no further than The Smits Team. They're passionate about Seizing Opportunity in Eagle County real estate.
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