Do What You Can with What You’ve Got

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Do What You Can with What You’ve Got


Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. -John Wooden

Getting things accomplished is not always easy, and achieving success is definitely not a walk in the park… but believe it or not, some people defeat themselves before they even get started. Some people seem to place restrictions on themselves for one reason for another, and then wonder why success is so difficult to achieve! The truth is that if you hold yourself back with flawed expectations and place unnecessary restrictions on yourself and your situation, you are probably not going to reach the stars. Instead, you will probably find yourself struggling down towards the ground, trying desperately to gain some altitude before life passes you by.

Here are three huge lies that a lot of people tell themselves when it comes to success. Sometimes, you simply must do what you can with what you’ve got, and then trust yourself to deliver results that are going to take you toward a brighter future.

1… I can’t succeed because I don’t have what I need

Whether you need tools, equipment, a storefront, a desk, or even a car, making excuses for why you cannot achieve success in this fashion is very flawed. A lack of these things has never held back someone who was truly determined, and it can’t hold you back either. Find a way to make things work with what you have, and then continue to adapt and improve.

2… I can’t succeed because I do not have the knowledge

Again, this is a lie that many people believe, despite the fact that it is not true. Information is essential to success, but you don’t have to know everything to achieve your goals. We live in the Google age, after all! If you don’t know it, look it up online. If you need college classes, sign up for them and get them done. Whatever you do, though, don’t stop working towards your goals. Don’t give up!

3… I can’t succeed because I don’t have enough time

This is a big one, and everyone deals with it. Time is our most precious resource. Without it, you cannot do anything. And yet, it is the one thing that most people seem to undervalue more than anything else. If you feel like you don’t have time to achieve success, then it is time to try evaluating how you are spending your time. Could you possibly cut some things out and get an internship? Could you cut back on some of your expenses so that you can take an extra day off per week to work toward your long-term goals?

Success is a choice. So today, start doing what you can with what you’ve got, and get started on the road to building the life that you have always dreamed of living!

Century 21 Gold, The Smits Team


About The Smits Team

"Every morning I’m reminded of how incredible this place is, and nothing makes me happier than to help my clients make the most of their real estate opportunities here.” Amy Smits understands the value of living in a place with wide-open spaces and limitless opportunity. And as a real estate professional serving the Eagle County Colorado area, her passion for sharing everything this place has to offer is what drives her to help her clients succeed. Whether you’re looking for a home for your family, an investment property, or you want to sell your current home, look no further than The Smits Team. They're passionate about Seizing Opportunity in Eagle County real estate.
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