Category Archives: Tips & Information
Pray to the Snow God, Ullr
In it’s 51st year, Ullr Fest is a celebration of snow, tradition and more fun than you can handle! While the celebrations started a couple of days ago, there is still plenty of fun to be had at this years … Continue reading
Check out the Grand Prix
Last week it was the Dew Tour, this week it’s the Grand Prix at Copper Mountain Resort! That’s right, one more local qualifier for the Sochi Olympics! Once again, we’ll see competitors such as Kelly Clark, Gretchen Bleiler, Hannah Teter, … Continue reading
Take an Avalanche Class
I’m sure you know that we have some amazing backcountry & side country ski/snowboard options here in Summit County… But, with 5 ski resorts within a 10 minute drive of our front doors (depending on where you live), it’s easy … Continue reading
Adopt a Pet in Summit County, Colorado
Our local Animal Shelter has cats & dogs (and sometimes rabbits & ferrets) available for adoption year-round. Unfortunately, some folks have to give up their pets due to living situations, allergies and finances. That’s where the Summit County Animal Shelter … Continue reading
Ski Uphill:
I know it sounds strange, but it’s great exercise, not at all crowded and you get to enjoy the ride down through fresh powder or just-groomed runs! This is called “skinning”, “ski touring” or “hiking for turns”. Typically, you strap … Continue reading
Go Tubing or Sledding
There are 3 amazing tubing hills in Summit County! If you’ve never gone, you’ve got to try it. Take a ride up the magic carpet lift with your tube and then zip down one of the lanes while you … Continue reading
5 Real Estate Resolutions for 2013
At the end of every December, people make all kinds of resolutions for the coming year. Typically, these are things they want to improve about themselves, ways to make their day-to-day personal or work life better or ideas … Continue reading
Should You List Your Home During the Holidays?
Courtesy of With the holidays approaching, sellers often wonder if they should keep their properties on the market or take them off? Or if they haven’t listed their homes yet, should they wait until after the first of the year? … Continue reading
Colorado Ski Pass Deals for Kids- Get Yours Now!
COLORADO SKI PASS DEALS FOR KIDS!! If you’re looking for a great deal and an easy way to get your kids on the slopes this winter, we’ve got a few ideas for you! Vail Resorts offers their “School of Shred” … Continue reading