6 Ways To Re-Ignite Your Imagination

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6 Ways To Re-Ignite Your Imagination


Brought to you by: Century 21 Gold, The Smits Team


“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

― Albert Einstein


Imagination and creativity are essential to almost any line of work. Some people might reserve the title ‘creative’ to people with jobs involving artwork or music, though these are definitely not the only creative jobs. In honesty, every job has its creative elements… and without igniting your imagination, you are more likely to miss out on amazing opportunities to make your projects better and even more meaningful.


Here are 6 tips for how you can re-ignite your imagination. Hopefully, these tips will help you to rekindle that ‘spark’ and jump-start your creativity all over again!


1… Get away from the office

A change of scenery can work wonders when you are in need of some creative inspiration. Try changing locations for the day, or take your laptop/tablet outside to do a bit of work in the park.


2… Read a book

Do you like to read? If so, then maybe you already know how much a good book can stimulate your brain. But if you do not normally tend to be a reader, then maybe this is the perfect opportunity to give it a try! You might be very pleasantly surprised by the results!


3… Meet a new person

Meeting new people can definitely re-start your imaginative energies. The social interaction combined with the excitement of forming a new acquaintance can do wonders for your levels of inspiration.


4… Do something that relaxes you

Relaxing can help to reduce stress, which is a major hindrance to creativity. Relaxing also calms your mind and ‘empties’ it of the normal types of thoughts that permeate our consciousness day in and day out.


5… Explore and Discover

Visit a new town, a new store, a new library, or even a new biking trail. Explore a park that you have never visited before. Seeing new places is a very effective way to kick your imagination back into high-gear, and exploration can inspire you in ways that few other activities can.


6… Change your routine

If all else fails, a simple change in routine can often be enough to stir-up some creative inspiration. Wake up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later. Take lunch sooner rather than later, or consider eating out instead of cooking at home like you usually do.


Finding ways to switch up your routine can stimulate your senses in new ways, thereby giving your brain new and different information and causing your imagination to, once again, do what it does best!

About The Smits Team

"Every morning I’m reminded of how incredible this place is, and nothing makes me happier than to help my clients make the most of their real estate opportunities here.” Amy Smits understands the value of living in a place with wide-open spaces and limitless opportunity. And as a real estate professional serving the Eagle County Colorado area, her passion for sharing everything this place has to offer is what drives her to help her clients succeed. Whether you’re looking for a home for your family, an investment property, or you want to sell your current home, look no further than The Smits Team. They're passionate about Seizing Opportunity in Eagle County real estate.
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