Making plans for the fall

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Making plans for the fall

 Brought to you by: Century 21 Gold, The Smits Team

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As summer comes to a close, many people will begin to notice a slight change in the weather. Of course, the amount of change that you will actually notice in in this regard will depend mostly upon where you live. In my hometown, you will often begin to feel cooler temperatures as August comes to a close. For me, this is always a refreshing time. I get to dig out my hooded sweatshirts and begin thinking seriously about buying some hot chocolate.


I have also noticed, however, that fall provides a fantastic opportunity to ‘start over’. If you had plans for the summer that you didn’t get accomplished, then fall creates a new opportunity to ‘revisit’ them. If you cannot feasibly get them done in the fall, then the changing of the seasons can at least allow you to make some new plans and get a fresh start before the end of the year. The holidays come quickly after summer ends, but not so quickly that there isn’t plenty of time to set and achieve some new goals for yourself before the end of the year.


Setting new goals for a new season

As summer ends and fall begins, consider setting a few new goals for yourself. Whether your goal is to paint your bedroom, to expand your business, to get a promotion, or to spend more time with you family, this new season will provide you with an excuse to sit down with your notebook and make a new to-do list.


If you have goals left-over from the summer, try not to be too hard on yourself for not achieving them. Instead, try to look ahead. There is a lot to look forward to at this time of the year. Lots of good times with friends and family are quickly approaching, as is time off of work for most people. This can be a fantastic time to re-energize and to re-focus yourself.



In the end, we need to remember that all of us are on a different journey. This fall, I would encourage you to really look inside of yourself and find out what you would like to do with your time. Time is, after all, our most valuable currency! So let’s be intentional about how we spend it in the season-to-come. Let’s make every day count and prepare to get things accomplished.


About The Smits Team

"Every morning I’m reminded of how incredible this place is, and nothing makes me happier than to help my clients make the most of their real estate opportunities here.” Amy Smits understands the value of living in a place with wide-open spaces and limitless opportunity. And as a real estate professional serving the Eagle County Colorado area, her passion for sharing everything this place has to offer is what drives her to help her clients succeed. Whether you’re looking for a home for your family, an investment property, or you want to sell your current home, look no further than The Smits Team. They're passionate about Seizing Opportunity in Eagle County real estate.
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